victory today and last night
The lady who drives us to school likes to hike on Saturday morning. I went with her and her husband this morning. Great relief to me because this was a part of my routine for four years in South Carolina.
I don't know how far we walked, but I do know that it was at least an hour. Parts of the park were closed due to typhoons coming in. Not sure if prevention, protection or what since trees and such come down during these storms. I experienced a strong wind and rain with one this past Thursday. Nothing shuts down here except if you do something involving a boat. I managed to prevent my umbrella from flipping opposite except for one time. I stood under a shelter waiting for my ride and watched as the wind pushed the rain so hard that it was creating air foils over the cars.
This measures your body size. The space all the way to the right roughly translates that you're an alien if you can only fit through here.
Afterwards we went shopping at a different store. The fish looked fantastic but expensive, so I didnt buy any this time. The meat was expensive as well. There were two pigs head at the butcher counter which me me nostalgic for the market in Greece. What I did find here were much better prices on produce and Saturday deals like two heads of broccoli for less than $1. A red and yellow bell pepper for less than $1. Also an avocado for the same price! I need to go with a language speaker as the prices are only for when the announcement is ongoing. I will definitely try to get back there for produce on Saturdays. I was also able to find basil at a decent price. I found popcorn kernels too! That made my day even better as this is my go to snack to fill me but not give me a bunch of calories. I also found some sausage I'm going to try for breakfast.
Between the two groceries, I think there is a chance for me to make it here with the food.
I have a lot more to learn. Like what do these two mean? After putting them through Google Translate I found that the top one is 2 clusters (of broccoli) for 1,000 won. (1,000 won is 84 cents today! Wow!.) The bottom picture looks like green tea but it is actually something else. It's called mugwort, which is supposed to calm the nerves, promote menstruation, and relieve itching. I don't know about the second benefit but I like the first and last.i will try when the season turns cold.
last night, I went for a walk after work. I emptied out my big backpack and walked from the bottom circle, my apartments to the circle on the right and then to the left. I was able to get some more cooking and food tools to help me enjoy home life more. I then stopped in the grocery and purchased the rice cake noodles, tuna fish in a can (BETTER than in the US), corn, a rice sweet treat, and a Snickers bar. I enjoyed the Snickers on the way home. The cost of it was actually about the same as in the US. I was surprised and thankful for this reward. I out together the rice cake, corn, and tuna with thousand island mayo for a nice little meal to celebrate the end of another week.
It was about a 15 minute walk to these places. While walking to the stores, I was thinking how nice it is to be this close to places where I don't have to drive and then having someone willing to drive me to school. (I will be sharing in the gas payments for the car.) I've been forced to drive for so long that it is a relief to now be in this situation. I also enjoyed the time returning home as I focused on prayer in adoring God as He has been with me and continues to be with me in all of this. It also helped distract my mind from all the negative thoughts that would normally come walking in the night.
So glad things are going well!!!!