
It's hard for me to write when I'm not feeling well about things. I've been ok physically except for today. I have headaches off and of due to the air and allergies. However, today I have had one to the right of my nose, deep in the sinuses. Then I have had one over my right eyebrow. I know it's allergies but I don't want to take medicine. I also don't want to complain, so I shall move on. 

I don't want to complain. I don't want to be negative outwardly, because I feel negative inwardly. I don't think that people should be allowed to teach unless they have done some sort of training beforehand. I believe most US public schools require certification before they allow teachers in a classroom. That's smart. How can you give a quality education otherwise? I am not trained except for this little certificate in teaching English as a foreign language. I feel this a lot of days recently. I'm not delivering a quality education because I'm not qualified. I dont care what people say. There has to be some training. I don't know how to properly form a plan for my classes. I thought I had it and then it all fizzled. 

I just wonder if they will let me go after the first evaluation or let me stay on for a full year since that is my contract. I dont know what I will do then. Maybe it's the age group and I could go back to the US to teach at upper level or even adult ed again. I don't think I could go back to respiratory therapist again. I think I would have to go through a lot of hoops to gain licensure. I just don't want to anyways. I believe those 15 years took a toll on my feet and my body. I believe that is why I developed cancer. (Praying this environment here doesn't turn my cells cancerous as they are at high risk to do.)

I agreed to this interview with the media club tomorrow. I don't want to do it. I'm afraid I will say something really bad since I've been in such a mood. 

So tired. Last night I kept hearing the cymbals of the livingroom light fixture. The shake and wake me up and keep me awake.

I have a bicycle and toaster oven. Received them today, 2 days after ordering.

Baked Alaskan Pollock with salt, pepper, and a little basal with grapeseed oil on rice cakes and corn.


  1. It is still kinda hard to believe you are in S. Korea. So excited to live vicariously through you until the day I finally make it there! I love the color of your bike.


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