Photos since I was released from quarantine...
Moving into my apartment has been difficult. It wasn't in the shape I thought it would've been. AC was broken so I sweat for several days and slept with the windows open despite the allergies and neighbor who smokes. The first week of teaching was tiring. The weekend was even worse as I focused too much on websites to get supplies and not enough on lesson planning or doing a routine.
Quarantine building. My room was 2nd from last on 2nd floor.
First look of apartment complex. This is a rural town. These apartment complexes are the norm.
The floors aren't clean. From what I've learned though, I don't think this is just dust or dirt. I think this is also dried mold.
One sweet accent I brought with me is this jewelry tree. It took me a long time to find this in the States, so I had to bring it for my dangly earrings. A little piece of joy.
Reminder especially for when things are hard.
My little bookshelf corner of sweet things from
No stove in my apartment. I'm going to buy one of these so I can roast chicken and veggies instead of frying in oil which makes me feel sick after awhile.
The elevator panel for my building. I'm on the 8th floor. I live in a town, not a city...
Can you see me seeing me, seeing me, seeing me? Going out incognito for a walk downtown.
Images outside of my apartment building. (8th floor is me)
crops right next door.drying chilis
Besides the microwave, this is how I cook food for now.
Tyrannus room 302
(see Acts 19:9 for the origin of the building name)
Put these up after some difficult days
My hall. Toilets on the right. That white thing next to the young man is a water filtration tower. I don't need to buy a filter as I can refill with some good water here. Then my room is right after on the right.
Air purifier. I need one of these in my apartment.
Near the end of my first meal using cooking oil rather than water to stir fry.
I do have a little freezer above this. I don't know how two of us will be able to use this. It will happen...somehowsweet potatoes
Rice treats and a snickers bar that surprisingly costs about the same as in the U.S.
Sunday breakfast: sweet potatoes and onion with pork. No salt. Using gluten-free soy sauce and black pepper for flavor.
My apartment complex. I live on the 8th floor of 104.
One side view from my living room
An air conditioner that works ....ahhhhhhh.....
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