
Showing posts from August, 2020

Photos since I was released from quarantine...

Moving into my apartment has been difficult. It wasn't in the shape I thought it would've been. AC was broken so I sweat for several days and slept with the windows open despite the allergies and neighbor who smokes. The first week of teaching was tiring. The weekend was even worse as I focused too much on websites to get supplies and not enough on lesson planning or doing a routine.  Quarantine building. My room was 2nd from last on 2nd floor. First look of apartment complex. This is a rural town. These apartment complexes are the norm. The floors aren't clean. From what I've learned though, I don't think this is just dust or dirt. I think this is also dried mold. One sweet accent I brought with me is this jewelry tree. It took me a long time to find this in the States, so I had to bring it for my dangly earrings. A little piece of joy. Reminder especially for when things are hard. My little bookshelf corner of sweet things from No stove in my apartment. I'm go...

Schedule and other things

Just got my final teaching schedule.  Things are starting to come back. I forgot what time of the month it is as I got a surprise today. I have reinforcements but it is disappointing that I haven't settled and will be dealing with this on moving day tomorrow. At least the bulk will be done by Monday.  If you have looked at the first picture you will notice that the schedule runs from 8 am (homeroom) until 5:30pm. Yes. 5:30pm. The kids live at the school, and this is an education focused culture. As I see it, I am in for a BIG education myself.  I think I've seen these or something similar in the States. It's on the outside of two pieces of glass. I took a video of it but haven't figured out if I can post video on here. Maybe I will put it on Insta. Final lunch in quarantine. Lovely mixed greens that came packaged. I didn't get to them until they were were limp, but I had enough other items so I didn't get miffed by the texture...